The Broke Girl’s Guide to Tithing

Upon choosing a title for this blog, I was immediately reminded of the book “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”. After reading this book, many of my friends told me that it had completely changed their lives. Honestly, part of me is hopeful that this blog will be that for someone else. But, I’m also very aware of the fact that this particular post is about something that even the strongest Christians have a hard time with. Tithing.

Now, before you freak out, friends, know that I too have a hard time with the concept, sometimes. In fact, that is exactly what prompted me to write this very post. My fight with tithing started in my last year of college.

I was taking twenty-four credit hours, working two on campus jobs, was an active part of two student cabinet groups and serving with two off campus ministries. A schedule like that taught me some great administrative and scheduling skills but also left me with a lack of sleep and a small bank account balance. I thought that certainly God understood that I was poor so, I couldn’t afford to spare.

After a conversation with one of my mentors, I wrote rules for myself in the realm of tithing. It was difficult to look them in the face, but, I’ve grown in them and have decided that they’ve actually made it easier for me to do what God’s asking me to do, even when that’s the hardest thing to do.

So, here it is, The Broke Girl’s Guide to Tithing.

We are asked for the first and best, not biggest. I don’t make much. I’ve never been a millionaire, nor will I ever be. But, God’s not asking for thousands of dollars. He’s asking for the best of what I can give Him. Even if to the world it’s pennies!

It’s about Trust. Yes, it’s a sacrifice. It’s scary to write my check and send it. It gives me much less wiggle room financially. BUT, God has done some amazing things in my threadbare seasons.

NEED and WANT are totally different things. I want you to hear me, here. While a Venti Double Mocha Extra Shot Latte (totally made up, totally sounds delicious) might be your caffeine delivery mode of choice, it is not a basic necessity. You’ll still eat, you’ll still sleep, you’ll even sometimes get a cup of coffee. God likes to take care of our wants, too.

No home? No problem. Many people think that they have to give their tithe to a church. If you are part of a healthy church community, this is awesome! If you aren’t ,that’s okay. Pick a charity, community, or cause that you want to support the ministry of. For instance, September is World Suicide Prevention Month, donate to spreading Hope and Joy! That’s building the Kingdom! Pretty cool, yeah?

Communication is Key. Pray for God’s movement. Pray for God’s will. Tell God about the frustrations, or pains that you might be feeling, Be honest. God given us prayer for times of talking and listening.

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